
We Believe....

1.  That the Bible is the Inspired Word of God and is our sole rule of Faith and Practice.

2. That there is only One God who exists in three Persons, namely, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

3. That Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came and died for the Sins of all mankind, who resurrected on the third day, went back to heaven and sat at the right hand of the Father and will come again to judge the living and the dead..

4. That Man is totally lost, without exception, and needs Salvation.

5. That Salvation is received by Grace through Faith alone and not by works of any kind.

6. That there is a literal Heaven, the home of righteousness and all those who accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

7. That there is a literal Hell, the eternal place of punishment for those who reject God's offer of Salvation in Jesus Christ.

8. That there are unseen spiritual entities both good (holy angels) and bad (the Devil and his demons) who influence mankind for or against God.

9. That there is going to be a literal Rapture of the Church.

10. That there is going to be a literal Millenial Reign of Christ on earth.

11. That there is going to be a Final Judgment.

12. That there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth.

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