What is G12?
G12 is a disciple-making strategy based on the discipleship strategy of Jesus Christ. "G12" stands for Groups of 12, since in this discipleship system each cell is composed of no more than 12 cell members.
How does G12 work?
Obviously, space does not permit a comprehensive answer. However, suffice it to say that G12 begins with one discipler (usually, the Lead or Head Pastor of the church) who SELECTS 12 people (all of the same gender as the pastor) and FORMS them through a discipleship process and when they are ready SENDS them to do what he himself is doing. In other words, the pastor replicates himself in 12 members who replicate themselves in 144 other members and so on and so forth.
What does "Primary 12" mean?
Primary 12 is the label we use for the first 12 disciples in our church, both for men (P12M) and women (P12W). Their own 12 disciples are THEIR Primary 12, but in the Network of Disciples they are officially called 144 Disciples ( from 12 x 12 = 144).
What's the Difference between a Primary 12 and a 144?
Basically none, except for the fact that the Primary 12 are disciples of the Pastor, while the 144 are the disciples of the disciples of the pastor. In terms of requirements, there are no differences. What we require from the Primary 12 they also require of the 144.
Why 12?
Why not? We are just following Jesus' example. Whether Jesus' disciples had 12 each or not, we do not exactly know. But what we know and are certain about is that Jesus had 12 disciples.
Can I disciple only 6?
Sure, why not? You can also disciple 100 if you want to! The number is not important. For us, however, we do 12 disciples per cell group, besides following the pattern of Jesus, because 12 is not too many and neither is it too few. 12 is just right (for us at least).
Did you start as a G12 church?
No, we did not. We started as a traditional church where discipleship was just one of the many programs of the church. We used to do discipleship as an option. Our members can choose to go through discipleship or not. But since we discovered the discipleship style and the Great Commission of Jesus (Matthew 28:19,20), we changed our strategy in doing church. Now we encourage EVERYBODY to be a disciple without exception. And discipleship is not just one of our many programs, it is our only program. Everything that happens in our church is discipleship.
What's the difference between a "Discipleship Church" and a "Regular Church"?
A discipleship church basically aims at discipling ALL the members of the church, while the regular (or traditional) church offers discipleship only as an option.
What's the difference between a Disciple and a Member?
A disciple goes through a process (discipleship) that equips him or her to become a leader in the Church, while a member is someone who attends Sunday Church. Not all members are disciples, but all disciples are members.
What do you do with members who will not go through discipleship?
We do our best to encourage and challenge everyone to join the discipleship process. This is done through our bulletin board, church announcements, invitations, sermons, literature, etc. We do not force anyone to join though. We wait for them to make that decision.
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